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Le migliori mod per Fallout 4

Discussione in 'Fallout 4: Mod & Tweaks' iniziata da kara.bina, 25 Novembre 2016.

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  1. kara.bina

    kara.bina Livello 2

    Mi piace:
  2. Argenti

    Argenti Supporter

    Mi piace:
    L'ultima mi pare decente ma non mi convincono come lo era la Enhanced Lights and FX per Skyrim
  3. kara.bina

    kara.bina Livello 2

    Mi piace:
  4. Argenti

    Argenti Supporter

    Mi piace:
    Posso consigliarti questa mod? Credo faccia al caso tuo
    La vegetazione che vedi negli screen non c'entra nulla.
    Però non è stata tradotta in ita.
    Cosa fa la mod

    ♦ NAC holotape: to call weather, change timescale and to tune your experience whatever you like. (See NAC holotape overview below)

    ♦ More than 70 different natural and atmospheric weathers templates: including new original radstorms with different effects on the player and its surrounding. All of this weathers are based on true-to-life color and lighting and all have different colors, lighting, clouds, post processing and properties.

    ♦ Whole climate redone: time of day, weather chances, transitions, volatility and more in order to produce 5000 random weather variations based on the weather presets. The climate, balanced by default, now always lives, slowly evolves and changes, to feel more alive, natural and unpredictable.

    Climate for Far Harbor, Nuka World and Commonwealth has been fine tuned to be more natural and different from each worldspaces. Commonwealth is
    pretty well balanced, Far Harbor is darker with a Lovecraftian feel and Nuka World much more sunny and New-Vegas like. (kind of)

    ♦ Longer, darker and all unique night times: from bright to pitch black, with or without direct lighting, diffuse lighting, godrays, all depending of the moon occlusion, the atmospheric density and the sky configuration.

    ♦ Advanced lighting and features for all weathers: sunlight variation for cloudy weathers, wet effect for some heavy fog situation, god rays depending of the atmospheric density, fake bounce lighting, diffuse lighting and more. Darkest hour of the Night featured around 5 am, before dawn.

    ♦ A.I detection tweaked according to NAC's changes, and individually for each weather.

    ♦ New and redone effects: particles effects, clouds, sounds, post processing effects, HDR system, godrays, sound tweaks...

    ♦ All interior's location lighting redone on case by case: from both lighting template, post processing, fog density, color and distance. All the light sources besides those that can be used in workshop mods have also been reworked to match real life temperature and fall off.
    Once each cell will have the right colors and contrast I plan to rework the lighting scenario in some places: This is the NAI plugin (wip)

    ♦ Life-like Night vision goggles and headgears and functional sunglasses: green or black and white, and functional sunglasses when sun hit too hard. All NVGs can be upgraded to life detection or recon sight from an armor bench.

    ♦ VATS, scopes, vats-cinematics, water, radiations, special effects, subsurface scattering and skin tons, blood splash, drugs... all enhanced or remade to suits NAC changes.

    NAC adds many special effects by default, many of them being toggleable ingame from pipboy.
    VATS is also reworked to be more stylized with a wider variety of effects, from natural to more cinematic.

    Radiation system has been entirely redone with the introduction of a shelter feature and visual effects have been made when player is radiated, as well for underwater situations.
    All chems now produce a "trippy" visual effect depending of the drug used.

    ♦ For Hardcore gamers, NAC also offers the option to get radiation from all rain weathers.

    ♦ FPS lossless and lightweight.

    ♦ NAC comes with an optional but recommended ini file used to get better ambient occlusion, rim lighting and to optimize and enhance the god rays. You can now safely use Ultra settings without too much performance drop.