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Disponibile la patch 1.1

Discussione in 'ARCHIVIO: Two Worlds II' iniziata da Emelos, 24 Dicembre 2010.

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  1. Emelos

    Emelos Editore Editore

    Mi piace:
    E' da oggi disponibile la patch 1.1 di Two Worlds 2. Si tratta di un correttivo ai numerosi bug presenti nel gioco e soprattutto tanti ribilanciamenti di equipaggiamento e modalità multiplayer.

    Il pacchetto pesa 77 mb, è multilingua e potete scaricarlo a questo indirizzo.

    Si segnalano tra le features maggiori il supporto alle DX 10, una gestione migliorata dell'inventario e ottimizzazioni varie per chi possieda una scheda video AMD.

    Di seguito trovate il changelog.

    [spoil]- Several quests have been streamlined and augmented

    - Game will no longer occasionally hang when buying a boat

    - New Cassara voiceovers have been added

    - Plants tooltip will now show their alchemy effect when viewed in the game world

    - Player levels are now visible in the session menu (Multiplayer)

    - Problem with hero not being able to loot some containers has been resolved

    - Quivers can now be upgraded by additional 10 levels (using Bowyer skill)

    - Reptiles will no longer deal triple damage on their knockdown attack

    - Map terrain & clipping problems have been resolved

    - Skills for non-physical resistance now offer greater protection

    - Some items contain more crystal slots now (maximum +20 upgrade)

    Mage staves: - 6

    Body armor: - 5

    Mage robes: – 6

    - Torches can now be purchased at merchant shops

    - "Jump", "Animate Dead", DOT, positive traps, "Invisibility" and "Open lock" spells have been repaired

    - A crash issue on ATI cards has been addressed

    - Character's face and all lighting bugs have been resolved

    - Added and changed some unit sounds

    - Additional graphics settings have been included in the menu

    - Additional/Special mouse buttons are now properly supported

    - Several tooltip display errors have been repaired

    - Blinding and holding effects of spells now only have a 30% chance of working against other player characters in Multiplayer

    - Bug with skipping skill requirements has been repaired

    - Guild discounts are now properly calculated

    - Several particle issues have now been addressed

    - Skill de.scriptions now contain information about skill crystal bonuses

    - Village quests frequency and reward has been changed

    - Water rendering has been improved on low and medium detail settings

    - Willpower now adds to the mana regeneration rate, mana formula has been changed, bugged mana costs have been augmented

    - Summons' stats have been changed, summoned Stone Golems no longer knock down opponents

    - Soulpatchers have been augmented

    - "Delete character" button in the network menu has been moved to avoid accidental character deleting

    - Action and Jump buttons can now be mapped separately

    - Elemental resistances are now properly calculated

    - Horse position will now be shown on the mini-map

    - Inventory icons can now be set to a smaller size (via Interface options menu)

    - It is possible to turn off bow & magic auto-targeting

    - Mana shield spell has been changed

    - Several data storage issues have been addressed

    - Shield blocking animations have been added

    - Shop prices were not properly calculated at some locations - this issue has been fixed

    - Spell effects will be cancelled when one of the players scores a point in Duel mode

    - Spell effects from a dying player in Team Deathmatch mode will be cancelled

    1.0.1 patch:

    - Repaired crash in single player campaign during streaming of levels (CD icon) or during teleportation.

    - Repaired one crash in multiplayer.

    - Repaired quality of rendering ogg videos (when HD video option is off)

    - If game crashes while playing wmv videos then it is switched to ogg mode and next time ogg will be played.

    - Repaired missing magic cards in shops: Air Life and Air Lightning

    - Repaired types of potion ingredients generated in village shops.

    - Repaired endless invisibility spell error.

    - Repaired wrong direction of camera in sniper mode when in reversed vertical view.

    - Repaired problem with changing bid by +/- keys in dice mini-game on laptop keyboards.

    - Repaired displaying wrong number of equipment parts in "destroy equipment" message box

    - Added missing "Check for updates" option to settings.

    - Some players reported in an increased time to create saved games in full screen mode. This was,

    possibly, caused by the player taking a screen shot on accident instead of saving the game. Save

    screen shots can be now be turned off by console command: game.MakeSaveScreenShot 0 - it will

    be added to autosaveGame3.con file in Parameters subdirectory of saved game.

    - Change was made to improve multiplayer character saves within in village mode - now if server fails

    when sending data - the game will automatically make two more attempts to send[/spoil]
  2. fede21

    fede21 Ex staff

    Mi piace:
    Provata è posso affermare che cambia molteplici funzioni al gioco. Intanto rende il tutto più fluido e più impostatile, nel senso che si può intervenire su altri fattori come l'effetto bloom e sulle ombre con le directx10. Ciliegina sulla torta le icone possono essere rese più piccole o più grandi a nostra discrezione.